Maha predavanja

Biological dentistry: fundamentals and effective Methods: Preventive measures and therapeutic approaches to promote bone and soft tissue healing.

This abstract explores the pivotal role of the microbiome and osteoimmunology as key factors influencing overall systemic health in the context of dentistry.


Unveiling the Oral Systemic Axis: Exploring the Role of Microbiome and Osteoimmunology in Biological Dentistry

Biological Dentistry emerges as a burgeoning field acknowledging the intricate interplay between oral well being and systemic health.


Biological Dentistry is an emerging field that recognizes the interplay between oral health and systemic health.

This abstract explores the pivotal role of the microbiome and osteoimmunology as key factors influencing overall systemic health in the context of dentistry.



Stopnja 6

Oksidativni prosti radikali povzročajo škodo na organih in povečujejo njihovo disfunkcijo in degeneracijo tkiva. Celično dihanje ni več oksidativno, ampak se spremeni v fermentacijo, tj. Warburgov učinek.


Stopnja 5

Spuščamo se čedalje globlje. Anatomija organov in njihova funkcija je vse bolj in nepopravljivo poškodovana. Obnovitev celične membrane, encimov, preostalih beljakovin in genskega materiala je ključnega pomena za preprečitev prehoda v naslednjo najbolj neželjeno stopnjo 6.


Stopnja 4

Stopnja 4 pomeni prehod bolezni iz zunajceličnega matriksa v specializirane celice organov s sočasnimi resnejšimi diagnozami poškodb organov.


Stopnja 3

Zaradi odlaganja škodljivih snovi v vezivnem tkivu se morajo aktivirati obrambni mehanizmi iz stopenj 1 in 2. Potrebno je aktivirati drenažo in terapije, ki so specifične za imunski sistem.


Stopnja 2

Stopnja 2: aktiviranje obrambnih mehanizmov. Podpora obrambnih sposobnosti organizma in ciljno diagnosticiranega »škodljivega dejavnika« s posebnimi neinvazivnimi ali invazivnimi terapijami.


Stopnja 1

Skrb za redno dnevno izločanje in ohranjanje zdravega stanja.


Blood Tests to Determine the Impact of the Mouth on the Body

Integrative medicine does not exist without biological dentistry. The mouth with teeth is part of the body that, with its inflammatory conditions and metallic materials, affects health.


Biocompatible Implants – Zirconium Oxide

Loss of a tooth, resulting from disease or mechanical damage, not only affects an individual's aesthetic appearance but also significantly impacts the functionality of the bite. When we decide to get a dental implant, we probably envision a carefree life in the future.


Dead Teeth – Granulomas

Dead teeth are a result of granulomas and can be extremely harmful if not properly treated. Similar to periodontal disease, we are dealing with highly aggressive bacteria here, which lead to the decay of tissues inside the tooth, specifically the dental pulp or nerve.


Amalgam and Other Alloys in the Mouth

Despite periodontal disease affecting as many as 80% of Slovenian men and women, we still underestimate the extent of this pathological condition.


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